Blog Posts
I occasionally like to write about things that I have learnt and things that I may want to learn about. While there is no subject matter that I will write about exclusively, it is most likely that you will find posts about front-end software engineering on this page.
Future JavaScript – Stay ahead of the curve by using new JavaScript features today (4/4 – Data Structures)
In this post, I am going to show you some of the future JavaScript features that you can use today. Our focus will be on data structures within JavaScript that were outlined as less commonly used in 2020’s State of JS survey.
Future JavaScript – Stay ahead of the curve by using new JavaScript features today (3/4 – Language)
In this post, I am going to show you some of the future JavaScript features that you can use today. Our focus will be on language features that were outlined as less commonly used in 2020’s State of JS survey.
Future JavaScript – Stay ahead of the curve by using new JavaScript features today (2/4 – Syntax)
In this post, I would like to walk you through some of the future JavaScript features that you are able to use today. The focus of this post will be given to syntactical features that were outlined as less commonly used in 2020’s State of JS survey.
Future JavaScript – Stay ahead of the curve by using new JavaScript features today (1/4 – Intro)
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is a language that frequently offers new ways to write code and perform functions over time. I wanted to write a post about how you can start using future JavaScript features in your projects today.
Using SVG icons in your React developer portfolio project
Have you needed icons in your React web project but were unsure of how to implement them? I use SVG icons on my personal portfolio site and have recently updated the way that I include them. I would like to describe my chosen method in this article.
CSS Architecture (BEM, OOCSS, SMACSS & ACSS) and why we need it
Have you ever worked on a large project where there is a clear structure in place for the JavaScript source files, but when you need to make a change to the CSS, you are greeted with a mess of unstructured CSS?
The benefit of side projects (and why I built a Lorem Ipsum Generator for my favourite TV sitcom)
In December of 2019, I was looking for a lorem ipsum generator to help me add some dummy content to a project that I was working on. I wondered “how difficult would it be to make my own?”. In this post, I want to explain why these small side-projects can seem menial but can be really beneficial and integral to learning new skills.
Practising TDD by building an application to scrape sports players data
Have you ever wanted to gather and expose data via an API or use your gathered data in your own application? For a long while, I have wanted to build my own application that uses web scrapers to do this and I have finally made a start.
How I have survived the COVID-19 pandemic (so far)
Approximately 2 months ago, I published a blog post about maintaining motivation as a furloughed employee. At that time, I had been furloughed for one month and was beginning to find it difficult to stay active within my software engineering field. Today, two months after writing that post, I would like to reflect on and share my successes since then.
Upload to Amazon S3 using AWS CLI and NPM scripts
Automate the deployment of your static websites with Amazon S3 and NPM scripts. I have created a simple script to help you quickly upload your site to Amazon S3 by running one simple command in your project terminal.